
Weather Conditions that Cause Helicopter Accidents

Weather can have a major impact on how a helicopter handles its flight. Bad weather conditions can jeopardize the safety of a helicopter, so it’s important for pilots to be aware of the conditions that can make flying dangerous. A safe flight requires good weather conditions, but weather can change quickly, so it is also important… read more

What Should I Do After a Semi Truck Accident?

Half a million truck accidents happen in the U.S. each year, and one-in-eight fatal traffic accidents involve a semi truck. Unfortunately, semi truck accidents continue to happen every day. For those who have been involved in one, it is important to know the legal steps to take after the accident happens. What To Do After… read more

Penalties for Distracted Truck Drivers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration defines distracted driving as reaching for, holding, dialing, reading and texting on any device. Truckers are allowed to use hands free devices, and many companies are moving towards installing hands-free dispatch devices to keep drivers’ focuses on the road. Being responsible for big rigs on the road is a… read more

Most Common Causes of Helicopter Accidents

Helicopters are thought to be one of the most dangerous forms of transportation available. Hundreds of helicopter accidents occur each year. Luckily, advancements and extra training is being provided to the helicopter industry each year, making them safer. Helicopter accidents are usually preventable and knowing the most common causes of these accidents can lead to… read more

How Are Helicopters Being Made Safer?

Helicopters tend to have a bad reputation. With so many uses for helicopters today, ranging from filming, tourists attractions and quick transportation, it’s important that they gradually become safer all the time. You shouldn’t feel like you’re risking your life just to get a tour of the Grand Canyon. So exactly how safe are helicopters? Should… read more

How To Avoid Semi Truck Collisions

Large 18-Wheelers seem to be everywhere on today’s highways. Unfortunately, they are an essential part of today’s society. Instead of trying to avoid them all together, learning how to drive near them can help you drive safer. This article provides tips and rules of the road that may prevent an accident one day. Driving Safely Near Semi… read more

5-Year-Old Saves Brother in 18-Wheeler Accident

A family of three–father, 5-year-old, and 2-year-old–were moving to Galveston earlier last month, driving their 18-wheeler to the new city. Suddenly, they hit a cement pillar and caused a horrible accident. The accident caused a fire that unfortunately killed the father of the family. The 5-year-old son is credited with pulling his 2-year-old brother out of the… read more

How to Avoid Helicopter Accidents

Helicopters are complex machines, but preventing accidents can be fairly simple. The International Helicopter Safety Team found that helicopter accidents and injuries can be prevented by improving four factors: equipment, training, safety management and maintenance. Preventing Helicopter Accidents Update Equipment  One great way to avoid helicopter accidents is to install a cockpit recording device. Recording equipment can… read more

Semi Truck Accident Risk Factors

Driving a semi truck always presents a bigger risk than a non-commercial vehicle because they are so large and heavy. Truck drivers not only need to be aware of the dangers their large vehicles present, but other drivers need to be cautious of the risks they present as well. Even the smallest of driving errors… read more

Where Are Most Oil Rigs Located?

Every day, people around the world use oil to power their homes, cars and more. Oil is most commonly used for transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil, but it is also used for other common household products. Around  6.79 billion barrels of petroleum are used in the US each… read more