How to Know if You’re in a Truck Driver’s Blind Spot
Posted in Car Accidents,Driving Safety,Semi-Truck Accidents on June 9, 2016
Driving on the road with large semi-trucks is a part of almost everyone’s daily commute. Staying out of their way and away from their blind spots will ensure you have the safest trip. Because semi-trucks are so large, they have several blind spots that you should be aware of.
Know where the blind spots are

Driving in a truck driver’s blind spot means that you are not visible to the driver. Knowing where these blind spots are can help you avoid any close encounters with a semi-truck. There are three main areas you should avoid when you want to remain visible to a truck driver.
- The first blind spot it behind the semi-truck and it can encompass several lanes in each direction.
- The second blind spot is in the front of the semi-truck and that includes the lane the truck is and and goes out one lane to the right.
- The last blind spot is next to the semi-truck’s right door
Don’t follow a semi-truck too closely
When you drive behind a truck too closely, you’re in their rear blind spot and at risk for collision if they have to stop or change lanes quickly. The safest distance to drive behind a semi-truck is about 20 to 25 car lengths.
Check the semi-truck’s left and right mirrors
If you can see the driver’s face in his mirrors, then he can probably see you. Check the semi-truck’s mirror is you want to make sure you’re not in its blind spot.
Be careful when passing a semi-truck
Try to pass semi-trucks on the left hand side whenever possible. This is because a truck’s blind spot on the right encompasses 3 lanes to the left. If you must pass on the right hand side, make sure you have ample room to pass the truck and pass them quickly and safely.
Drive with patients
Driving behind a semi-truck can be frustrating, but it is important to be patient whenever you’re stuck behind one. They cannot maneuver quickly in emergency situations so keeping your distance is always smart when trying to avoid their blind spots.